25 Jul 2011

1.1 Sunset Valley: A New Beginning

Eighteen winters ago, a baby girl in a beige-brown wicker basket was found outside the Department of Health. Her name was Crystal Myers. Crystal lived in the Home For Good Orphanage until she was five...On her fifth birthday, there was a wonderful, unexpected surprise, perhaps the best present she'll ever have. It was a beautiful spring morning when a philanthropist named Flora came to visit the orphanage. Crystal's childish cuteness had Flora's heart melted. Ms. Mary, the orphanage's manager was glad to see Flora visit, for it meant that that day a huge donation would be made to the Home For Good Orphanage, and that was good. Very good indeed. What Ms. Mary didn't know was that apart from being a philanthropist, Flora was also a member of the board of the School of Peace And Love. Flora offered Crystal a scholarship to the school, but of course, that is only if Ms. Mary agreed to Crystal going to the school. Luckily, she did. Crystal stayed at the school until the day she graduated.


Crystal is a fairly simple girl, and I say girl because she truly is a kid at heart (Childish). She cannot understand the beauty of art and therefore despises it (Can't Stand Art) . She hates meat and feels sick whenever she accidentally or purposely consume it, so of course she is a vegetarian (Vegetarian). Hopefully she'll live longer, fingers crossed everyone! She is also extremely lucky, luckily (Lucky). LOL :D It is very fortunate that she is lucky because she is a big coach potato, and LOVES long naps and just generally taking it easy (Coach Potato). Her lifetime wish is to reach level 5 of 4 different careers.

- Coach Potato
- Can't Stand Art
- Vegetarian
- Childish
- Lucky

*In order of appearance in drop down info bar.

Crystal Myers.
Exterior of Crystal's first home.

As you can see, Crystal's first house's exterior is nothing grand or special, in fact it's really just on the high-end side of the poor area. I sure hope her financials improve later on.

She has three lettuce seedlings planted outside her home, to use as a secondary income + food source.

She has yet to purchase a car. Beside the trash can is a recycling one which she bought with what little money she had.

Interior of Crystal's home.

The interior of the house is also very simple. All things are basic, nothing fancy. Not even a run-down TV! The stove however is a step-up from the cheapest one. I do plan on buying her a new house when she ages into an adult. I think thats a smashing birthday gift. Don't you?

The Bistro.
That day Crystal got a wish to join the culinary career so I sent her off to the Bistro to get a job as a kitchen scullion. It took some heavy persuading, as the Bistro owner kept insisting that they had enough employees, but she got the job. :D

Pay : $25/hour, $150/day
Working Time : 3PM - 9PM
Holidays : Wed + Thurs

She then went to the park, explored the whole place she did. Touching everything as she walked past them. The butterflies seem to particularly enjoy her company, but that wasn't all that enjoyed her company, there were some other, more goth-ier things that enjoyed her presence...

Crystal at the park. Playing with butterflies.

Crystal with Gunther Goth and his son Mortimer.

Crystal: "Hi, I'm Crystal. Is that boy your son? He's very handsome, like you." *looks down to feet*

Gunther: *smiles* "Hahahaha yes, yes he is. Are you new to Sunset Valley? Haven't seen you around before, because I think I'd notice you a hundred meters away."

Crystal: "Oh, you're very kind." *blushes* "I just graduated from the School of Peace And Love. I moved here as soon as I got my diploma."

Gunther: "Ahhh, well you know if you need anything, or want to meet up, or just someone to talk to...call me. 000-00000000"

Crystal: *smiles temptingly* "Thank you. I think we'll be seeing each other very soon."

Gunther: "Oh look! There's stars! Come, come sit down to watch the stars with me, just for a while."

Crystal: "Are the stars always so pretty?"

Gunther: "Oh no, today's stars are the prettiest I've ever seen."

Crystal: *laughs out loud* "So where did you graduate?"

Gunther: "Community School For The Gifted. I'm currently the CEO of Doo Peas Corporate."

Crystal: "Wow. Impressive."

Gunther: "Thanks. So do you have a job yet?"

Crystal: "Well, yes, as a kitchen scullion."

Gunther: "Good. Good. If you ever want to change jobs, to you know the business sector, call me. You know my number."

Crystal: "I have to go, it's late. See you soon?"

Gunther: "Yea, ok, goodbye...Crystal."
Crystal watching the stars with Gunther.

Will Crystal's newfound friendship with Gunther turn into something more? Will Crystal settle down in Sunset Valley? Who will she meet next?


  1. I like your legacy :) I'm looking forward to see what happens with Gunther cause he's married and all ;)

    Stay Strong :)

  2. Ooh! I do like it!
    But...But Gunthers MARRIED! :O

    (Tis Beautycoo BTW.)
